Exchanges And Calculator How Can I Send My TI-84 Calculator Back To The Company For An Exchange (technical Problems)?
How can I send my TI-84 calculator back to the company for an exchange (technical problems)? - exchanges and calculator
Should be some reason, sometimes when you turn the computer stalls or displays the number "15" on the right side of the screen, what is not (must be in the rite) and don 'go, and for attempting to restore. Other times, your good works.
Bac I would send them for a change, and I have about 1-2 months.
Does anyone know the specific page that I go and what should I do?
Before returning, try this:
1. Make sure that the batteries are good and the other pop. Hold "Clear" and then back to the batteries, while retaining a "clear". Turn off the computer while you release the button "Delete" and then the key. If this fails, the same procedure by using the Delete button.
2. If both previous work was not reset, remove all five batteries of 5 minutes. You need a small Phillips screwdriver, a pilot for the lithium battery.
3. If this still does not work the machine is as dead as disco. Read the serial number on the back of a calculator. The last four digits is the month and year of production. If the computer has less than 5 years we have learned that we can refer to TI.
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