Hemorrhoid Banding Post Hemorrhoid Rubber Band Ligation Activities?

Post hemorrhoid rubber band ligation activities? - hemorrhoid banding

I had my hemorrhoids rubber band ligation 3 days ago. I am a healthy teenager, the doctors told me to take it easy after the procedure, but I feel much better without Hemorrhoids, I wondered if I was her work as basketball, running, etc. more ... if not now, in the short term?


Anonymous said...

Certainly can not strenuous activity so early. Be patient until recovery. Large activity may further complicate the operation. Although mild exercise is recommended to speed recovery. Ask your doctor if you can do these sports. A friend of mine suffered the same procedure and was back to "business as usual in 3 weeks .. Maybe you can be too.

Anonymous said...

Give it 3 to 4 weeks, but know that strenuous activity may still have impact if it has fully recovered.

Anonymous said...

Certainly can not strenuous activity so early. Be patient until recovery. Large activity may further complicate the operation. Although mild exercise is recommended to speed recovery. Ask your doctor if you can do these sports. A friend of mine suffered the same procedure and was back to "business as usual in 3 weeks .. Maybe you can be too.

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