Caregiver Grief Guilt And Sadness Over Grandma. Help Please?

Guilt and sadness over Grandma. Help please? - caregiver grief

Some of you have read my previous posts for the search for a goalkeeper and other things. Gram Well this weekend my 100 years, fell three times when we were taken to hospital. The game plan was to try to get some pictures of her arthritis, and better medical treatment for dementia. While she was there, we can find an interview and live in caregiver because my mother did not care for him physically. Well, if we make what is good, but after a few hours, began to disappear. I have never had it so bad. , She muttered, and then tell us he went, monitors began removing his IV and all hearts. She was violently three times a week because she was confused. His blood pressure started to shoot. As she took in his room, we went to sleep and thought I should go. When I was checked the next mornig speak to the nurse with him to say keep it. She was bitten, kicked and tried to pull out of the bed and the cable itself. He has neither eat nor sleep. They tried to calm drunktonnes of drugs had no effect. I have a living and thus drive a half hour, he could get yesterday. I had the nurse put the phone to your ear. I said "Hi Gram, I love you," she said Mumbly "I'm still alive and the rest is incoherent dribble. I asked the nurse what was on medical and she said that she was not medically. I think the Alzheimer's has stolen his brain completely. I am so sad and guilty. If we are not taken to a hospital, may have been right. And now? a house, where we set aside to flow, and in a corner. I do not know how to handle it so and I am overwhelmed with grief and guilt. Has anyone experience you could share? "I do not understand why God has blessed with a remarkable physical body, however, affected by this terrible than Alzheimer's patients.


Anonymous said...

My mother had Alzheimer's disease, and when he reached a point where the father could not really for them to unite us in a house that specializes in Alzheimer's disease ... She had her own room, was treated with much love, never suffered, has been opened to visitors 24/7...she of lung cancer about 2 years, died in this one. He died peacefully in his sleep.
Do not rely on them to hold household drooling in the corner ...." is unfair and not true. Find the right house and everything will be alright.
Stop feeling guilty about what can be changed, I seriously doubt that during his hospital has nothing to do with the "crossing" of this insidious disease.
We read in the newspapers of the households only bad ... and a little of it. We do not read the hundreds of species and treatment centers for lovers of Alzheimer's disease. Many participants were members of Alzheimer's disease ... and with great care for their patients.

Anonymous said...

My mother had Alzheimer's disease, and when he reached a point where the father could not really for them to unite us in a house that specializes in Alzheimer's disease ... She had her own room, was treated with much love, never suffered, has been opened to visitors 24/7...she of lung cancer about 2 years, died in this one. He died peacefully in his sleep.
Do not rely on them to hold household drooling in the corner ...." is unfair and not true. Find the right house and everything will be alright.
Stop feeling guilty about what can be changed, I seriously doubt that during his hospital has nothing to do with the "crossing" of this insidious disease.
We read in the newspapers of the households only bad ... and a little of it. We do not read the hundreds of species and treatment centers for lovers of Alzheimer's disease. Many participants were members of Alzheimer's disease ... and with great care for their patients.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Patsy is full of pity, is not it?

Thank you sorry for your pain. I pray for you and you and all those who love God to bring her loving arms.

Anonymous said...

It is a terrible disease. seems unfair to a long life and come to an end so terribly. Life is not fair, I think.
The best advice is to try very hard to put it near one of the family, then it can be frequently seen.

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