Cell Phones For Elderly Do Elderly Need Cell Phones? And Are Mobile Phones User-frinedly For Them?

Do elderly need Cell Phones? And are mobile phones user-frinedly for them? - cell phones for elderly

Age 65 and beyond, especially those who retired


doerayme... said...

Yes, it would be a good idea to have a cell phone. But it should not even be used while driving.

A good phone for it is a basic model. Those who are not all the "bells and whistles." It is not necessary to send or receive text or photos, or e-mail, etc.

canela said...

Yes and yes. Enter details about your concerns.

icy_temp... said...

Yes, I think they do. If they stay at home all the time at home, you can work, but I think in most cases from home at least occasionally. Probably would not be a hell of a lot more for emergencies and peace of mind. Unfortunately, I think most phones will not be easy for the people of the older generation to take advantage of the technique because they are accustomed. I want to say something very simple, without many frills. The devices have at least the best deal. But even here it is possible that some people from this generation, to embrace the idea, and I love to learn everything there was to know. I think it is the individual, but overall I think it's a good idea.

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